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About Us - We apply more than a century of string making to produce the finest strings for your guitars.  We utilize what no other string maker can, including:

  • 5 Generations of Craftsmanship
  • Our Own Wire Mills
  • Only High-Quality US-Based Metals

This produces high quality long lasting strings,…superior tone, great feel in your hands, strings that perform better than other brands.

Nickel - Pure Vintage Tone + Feel

  • Pure tone and warm response of 100% Nickel with the robust American String mid-range.

* Our most popular string variety.

Phosphor Bronze - Let Your Acoustic Sing!

  • Quintessential acoustic guitar string sets that bring out your guitar’s true voice.

** Our most popular acoustic string sets.

Rock Formula (Alloy 52) - Deep Mids + Max Output

Steel - Balanced + Bright

If you are new to American String and you want to see how our strings sound and feel on your guitar, Click Here to get your coupon code to save 30% on your first order from our on-line store.

Welcome to the AmericanString family!

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